Void records are created against properties to allow them to then be allocated in a variety of different ways.
Existing void records can be edited from this list. New void records can only be created from the Property record.
Item | Details |
Void start & end dates | The dates the property will be void. Only the void start date is mandatory |
Marketing summary | Marketing text displayed when displaying an advert in the list view on the public portal |
Marketing information | Marketing text displayed when viewing an advert in detail on the public portal |
Advertise only | Allows the void to be advertised on the public portal but applicants cannot place bids on it |
Bid warning text | Information displayed to an applicant prior to them placing a bid on the property |
Exclude from bid count | If applicants are allowed a specified number of bids in a cycle, or at any one time, then bids will not be included on this property if checked |
Advert badges | Important information that is displayed in badge format when viewing a property in detail on the public portal |
Multi property advert | Allows a single advert to be created to represent multiple properties of the same type and size |
Save the void | |
Close the window |
Any eligibility rules applied will determine who can/cannot bid for a property, or be included on a generated shortlist.
Item | Details |
Minimum age | The minimum Age applicants must be to be eligible for the property |
Medical exemption | The Medical exemption types that are eligible for the property even if they do not meet the minimum age criteria. Displayed when a minimum age is specified. |
Maximum age | The maximum Age applicants must be to be eligible for the property |
Type of applicants | The household members that the age rule applies to |
Minimum & Maximum bedroom need | The range an applicant's bedroom need must fall within to be eligible |
Maximum occupancy | The maximum number of people that are in an applicant's household to be eligible |
Band(s) | The priority Bands that are eligible. If nothing is set all applicant's will be eligible regardless of their band |
Applicant type(s) | The Applicant types that are eligible. If nothing is set all applicants will be eligible regardless of their type |
Family type(s) | Only applicants with the specified Family type will be eligible |
Level access | Only applicants with the specified level access requirement will be eligible |
Wheelchair adaptation | Only applicants with the specified wheelchair adaptation requirement will be eligible |
Sheltered | Only applicants with the specified sheltered requirement will be eligible |
Ground floor/lift need | Only applicants with the specified ground floor/lift need requirement will be eligible |
Local connection | Only applicants with the specified local connection will be eligible |
Only confirmed local connections | Requires applicants to have the relevant local connection and it has had the Confirmed checkbox set. Only displayed if a Local connection is selected. |
Pets allowed | Only Pet owners with the specified value or no value set will be eligible |
Eligibility scheme | This option is only displayed for systems with multiple eligibility schemes. Only applicants eligible for the specified scheme will be eligible. |
Save the void | |
Close the window |
The shortlist policy determines the order that applicants appear on the shortlist.
Standard policies can be selected, or if the user has the appropriate privileges, a custom shortlist policy can be created for a void.
Item | Details |
Nominations required | Used to pass a number of nominated applicants through to a the landlord instead of them viewing the whole shortlist. Staff will be required to nominate specific applicants before the landlord can begin processing the shortlist. Defaults to 'Yes' when visible for all new voids |
Select a policy | List of all standard policies available. Once selected the fields used in the policy and the order of priority are displayed |
Displays all data fields that can be used in the policy. Fields can be turned on and off and re-ordered appropriately | |
Allows values within a specific rule to be ordered to provide greater priority to certain applicants | |
Save the void | |
Close the window |
Voids can either be advertised via Choice Based Lettings or have a shortlist automatically generated in the back office. All shortlists that have been created for the void are displayed in chronological order.
Item | Details |
Add a new advertising period | |
Generate a shortlist automatically | |
Match a single applicant directly to the void | |
Approves the advert/shortlist generation. Only visible if users have the appropriate access | |
Edit the Advertising period to amend start and end dates | |
Delete the advertising period/shortlist | |
Withdraw the advert immediately | |
Save the void | |
Close the window |
Advertising periods are defined by specifying a start date and an optional end date, through the displayed calendars. If no end date is set then the property will be advertised indefinitely.
A shortlist cannot be processed whilst the property is being advertised so all adverts need to have an end date added at some point. An advert cannot be assigned an end date earlier than the current date, meaning the shortlist cannot be processed until the following day.
Item | Details |
HRA Ref | Search by Housing Register Application reference number |
Title | Search by Case title |
Search for Active applications based on the criteria entered | |
Select the application to be matched to the void | |
Close the window |
The Voids list displays a list of all the property void records in the system.
The Shortlist periods list, in the Additional info folder, displays all Shortlist periods that have been created against Voids.