Item | Description |
Pending changes? | The person has changes that have been submitted from the public portal and are waiting to be reviewed |
Person pending changes date | The date the pending changes were submitted |
Person days since has pending changes | The number of days since the pending changes were submitted |
Review requested? | A review has been requested on the persons details that they need to action on the public portal |
Duplicates | The number of outstanding duplicates that have been identified matching the person's details |
Ignored duplicates | The number of duplicates that have been ignored that were identified as matching the person's details |
Relationships count | The number of people related to the person |
Address count | The number of addresses for the person |
Person state | The current state of the person |
Person state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Person state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Person state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Active case count (Primary applicant) | The number of non-archived cases where this person is the primary applicant |
Active case count | The number of non-archived cases where this person is a member and they haven’t left the case yet |
Contacts count | The number of contacts related to the person |
All case count (Primary applicant) | The number of cases where this person is the primary applicant |
All case count | The number of cases where this person is a member and they haven't left the case yet |
Communication preferences (primary) | Set based on the following priority order if more than one comms preference has been chosen; SMS, Email, Post |
Item | Description |
Email address confirmed? | The person has clicked the link in the confirmation email |
Suspended | The account is suspended |
Locked out? | The account is locked out as the users has got their login details wrong a number of times in a row |
Locked out end date | The point in time the account will remain locked. The applicant will not be able to attempt to login again until this time |
Property alert email enabled | The person has enabled the property alert emails |
Item | Description |
Parent team | The Team the parent record of the Action is owned by |
My team (parent) | If the parent records team is one of the current user's teams |
My action | If the current user is an Owner of the action |
Action team | The Team assigned to the Action |
My team (action) | If the current user is a member of Team assigned to the Action |
Created date and time | The date and time the Action was created |
Created date | The date the Action was created |
Last updated date and time | The date and time the Action was last updated |
Last updated date | The date the Action was last updated |
Days to target | The number of calendar days until the target date |
Item | Description |
Has housing register | A housing register application exists on the case. Only visible from the Cases list |
HRA state | The current state of the housing register application |
HRA state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
HRA state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
HRA state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
HRA pending changes? | The application has changes that have been submitted from the public portal and are waiting to be reviewed |
HRA pending changes date | The date the pending changes were submitted |
HRA days since has pending changes | The number of days since the pending changes were submitted |
HRA review requested? | A review has been requested on the application that the applicant needs to action on the public portal |
Is overcrowded? | Set if the 'Number of bedrooms they have use of' is less than the 'Effective min bed need' on the Bedroom assessment |
Preferred area count | The number of Preferred areas that have been selected |
Local connection count | The number of Local connections that have been created |
Has active HRA review | If a review of the housing register application has been created and it is not in an end state |
Has active renewal? | The application has been flagged as needing to be renewed |
Active renewal days until target | The number of days the applicant has left to complete the renewal |
Active renewal needs review? | The renewal date target has been reached and the applicant has not completed it, but the application could not be closed automatically due to outstanding bids/offers |
HRA actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Housing Register application have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
HRA actions need review date | The date all Housing Register actions were completed by the applicant |
HRA actions days since need review | The number of days since all Housing Register actions were completed by the applicant |
Date last made active | The date the application was last moved to the Active state |
Item | Description |
Has bedroom assessment | A bedroom assessment exists on the case. Only visible from the Cases list |
BA state | The current state of the bedroom assessment |
BA state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
BA state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
BA state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Max bed limit reached? | Have the calculations assigned the maximum limit of bedrooms allowed |
Has unborn children? | The bedroom assessment values include unborn children |
Latest pregnancy date | The latest pregnancy due date for all people on the case |
Has active BA review | If a review of the bedroom assessment has been created and it is not in an end state |
Ignored people count | Records the number of people that have been ignored from the bedroom calculations |
Item | Description |
My team | If the current user is a member of the team the Property has been assigned to |
Linked contacts count | The number of contacts linked to the Property |
Property state | The current state of the Property |
Property state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
Property state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Property state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
HRA review requested? | A review has been requested on the application that the applicant needs to action on the public portal |
Item | Description |
Pending changes? - Case | The Case has pending changes outstanding against it |
Case pending changes date | The date the changes were submitted |
Case days since has pending changes | The number of days since the pending changes were submitted |
Pending changes? - All | Either the Case, any person on the case or any of the Case strands have pending changes outstanding against them |
All pending changes date | The date the last pending changes were submitted |
All days since has pending changes | The number of days since the last pending changes were submitted |
Review requested? - All | Either the Case, any person on the case or any of the Case strands have a review request outstanding against them |
Family type | The Family type based on the household members assigned to the case |
My case | If the current user is assigned to the Case in any capacity |
My case - primary officer | If the current user is assigned to the Case as a Primary officer |
My case - secondary officer | If the current user is assigned to the Case as a Secondary officer |
My case - supervisor | If the current user is assigned to the Case as a Supervisor |
My case - other user | If the current user is assigned to the Case an Other user |
Unassigned? | If the Case has no users assigned to it |
My team | If the current user is a member of Team assigned to the Case |
Case state | The current state of the Case |
Case state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Case state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Case state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Applicant count | The total number of primary & joint applicants on the case |
Household member count | The total number of people on the case |
Adults count | The total number of people aged 18 or older on the case |
Children count | The total number of people under 18 on the case |
Eldest household member age | The age of the eldest member of the household |
Has active case review | If a review of the Case has been created and it is not in an end state |
Case actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Case have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
Case actions need review date | The date all case actions were completed |
Case actions days since need review | The number of days since all case actions were completed |
All Actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Case, and any of the case strands, have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
All actions need review date | The date all actions linked to the case were completed |
All actions days since need review | The number of days since all actions linked to the case were completed |
Is a member of the case pregnant | Set if one of the members of the case has the Pregnant flag set |
Item | Description |
Advertising needs approval | The void has an advertising period that is pending approval |
Being advertised | The void is currently being advertised |
Is current void | The Void is Pending and the start date is today or in the past and the end date is today, in the future or blank |
Shortlist ready? | The shortlist is ready to be processed, regardless of generated, direct match or CBL |
Nominations needed? | Nominations need to be assigned on the shortlist |
Bid count | The number of applicants on the shortlist |
Customised shortlist policy | If a customised shortlist policy has been set |
Void state | The current state of the Void |
Void state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
Void state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Void state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Item | Description |
Has latest void | If the Property has a Void, in any state apart from Deleted. If multiple Voids exist it will be the most recent based on the start/end dates |
Item | Description |
Period number | Incremental number starting at 1. Increases when a new shortlist period is created for the Void |
Created date | The date the shortlist period was created |
Pending approval | If the shortlist period is currently awaiting approval |
Currently advertised | If the Void is currently being advertised on the public portal |
Current period | If the Shortlist period is the most recent one |
Nominations finalised | Nominations have been selected on the shortlist ready for the landlord to process |
Nominations exhausted | All the selected Nominations have been processed and new Nominations need to be selected |
Nominations count | The number of Nominations that have been made |
Period state | The current state of the Period |
Period state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
Period state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Period state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Has offer suggested | The shortlist contains a bid in the Offer suggested state |
Item | Description |
Has shortlist period | If a Void has a Shortlist period, in any state apart from Deleted. If multiple Shortlist periods exist it will be the one most recently created |
Item | Description |
Position | The position of the Bid on the shortlist, taking into account all bids including Withdrawn ones |
Effective position | The 'real' position of the Bid on the shortlist ignoring Withdrawn bids |
Summary | Details of the property, void & shortlist period the bid was placed on as well as the shortlist position when the bid was placed |
Source | How the bid was placed |
Admin withdrawn only | If the Bid can only be withdrawn through the back office |
Nominated | If the Bid was Nominated on a shortlist |
Unreasonable refusal | If an offer was made and it was refused with an unreasonable reason |
Bid state | The current state of the Bid |
Bid state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
Bid state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Bid state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Item | Description |
Has homeless case | A homeless application exists on the case. Only visible from the Cases list |
HOM state | The current state of the homeless application |
HOM state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
HOM state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
HOM state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
HOM pending changes? | The application has changes that have been submitted from the public portal and are waiting to be reviewed |
HOM pending changes date | The date the pending changes were submitted |
HOM days since has pending changes | The number of days since the pending changes were submitted |
HOM review requested? | A review has been requested on the application that the applicant needs to action on the public portal |
H-CLIC case ref | H-CLIC case reference used when uploaded to Delta |
Has H-CLIC errors | Errors have been identified on the application when checked against the schematron |
Has H-CLIC warnings | Warnings have been identified on the application when checked against the schematron |
H-CLIC awaiting validation | The application has been updated and is waiting to be checked against the schematron |
Has active HOM review | If a review of the homeless application has been created and it is not in an end state |
First placement start date | The date of the first placement created against the application. This includes all placements, not just TA placements |
HOM actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Homeless application have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
HRA actions need review date | The date all Housing Register actions were completed by the applicant |
HRA actions days since need review | The number of days since all Housing Register actions were completed by the applicant |
Item | Description |
Placement state | The current state of the homeless placement |
Placement state date | The date the record moved into it's current state |
Placement state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Placement state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Placement number | Incremental number starting at 1. Increases when a new placement is created for the application |
Duration (days) | The length of the placement in days |
Has active HOM review | If a review of the homeless application has been created and it is not in an end state |
Current placement? | if the placement is not
Cancelled, has a start date in the past/today and a future (or empty) end date |
Item | Description |
Review number | Incremental number starting at 1. Increases when a new review is created for the application |
Review state | The current state of the Review |
Review state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Review state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Review state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Item | Description |
Has financial assistance | A Financial assistance form exists on the case |
FA state | The current state of the Financial assistance form |
FA state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
FA state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
FA state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Has active FA review | If a review of the Financial assistance form has been created and it is not in an end state |
FA actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Financial assistance application have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
FA actions need review date | The date all Financial assistance actions were completed by the applicant |
FA actions days since need review | The number of days since all Financial assistance actions were completed by the applicant |
Item | Description |
Has rough sleeper | A Rough sleeper form exists on the case |
RS state | The current state of the Rough sleeper form |
RS state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
RS state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
RS state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Has active RS review | If a review of the Rough sleeper form has been created and it is not in an end state |
RS actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Rough sleeper application have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
RS actions need review date | The date all Rough sleeper actions were completed by the applicant |
RS actions days since need review | The number of days since all Rough sleeper actions were completed by the applicant |
Item | Description |
Relationships count | The number of People the Contact is linked to |
Linked property count | The number of Properties the Contact is linked to |
Linked people count | The number of people the Contact is linked to |
Contact state | The current state of the Contact |
Contact state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Contact state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Contact state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Item | Description |
Has health assessment | A Health assessment form exists on the case |
HA state | The current state of the Health assessment form |
HA state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
HA state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
HA state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Has active HA review | If a review of the Health assessment form has been created and it is not in an end state |
HA actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Health assessment have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
HA actions need review date | The date all Health assessment actions were completed by the applicant |
HA actions days since need review | The number of days since all Health assessment actions were completed by the applicant |
Item | Description |
Has support assessment | A Support assessment form exists on the case |
SA state | The current state of the Support assessment form |
SA state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
SA state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
SA state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Has active SA review | If a review of the Support assessment form has been created and it is not in an end state |
SA actions need review | Set if all public portal applicant actions linked to the Support assessment have been completed by the applicant and are in the Awaiting Review state |
SA actions need review date | The date all Support assessment actions were completed by the applicant |
SA actions days since need review | The number of days since all Support assessment actions were completed by the applicant |
Active referral count | The number of Active referrals for the Support assessment |
Accepted referral count | The number of Accepted referrals for the Support assessment |
Item | Description |
Support service referral state | The current state of the Support referral |
Support service referral state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Support service referral state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Support service referral state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Item | Description |
Support provider state | The current state of the Support provider |
Support provider state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Support provider state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Support provider state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |
Item | Description |
Support service state | The current state of the Support service |
Support service state date | The date the record was moved into it's current state |
Support service state date/time | The date and time the record was moved into it's current state |
Support service state user | The user that moved the record into it's current state |