15. Shortlists

15. Shortlists

All shortlists, regardless of the allocation process used to create them, provide the same functionality.

An applicant's position on the shortlist begins with a Status of ‘Placed’. The workflow diagram shows the states a shortlist application can move through.

Shortlist dropdown
List of shortlists related to the void/property

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred and discards any unsaved changes made

Allows extra data columns to be added into the shortlist

Displays the rules used to determine the shortlist order

Opens the selected case in a new browser tab

Each bid on the shortlist can be expanded to provide more information on the applicant and other useful information related to the shortlist process.

Bid detail

The options available for processing an applicant is dependent on their current status and the system privileges associated with your role.


Offer the property to the applicant

Suggest the applicant for approval by a senior member of staff and sets the applicant's bid to Offer suggested

Nominate the applicant to be put forward to the landlord

Skip the applicant and set their Status to Skipped. A Skipping reason is required to be entered

Allows the Skipping reason to be amended

Resets the bid State back to Placed. If other applicants have been skipped further down the shortlist then these are also reset back to Placed

Approve the offer and set the applicant's bid State to Offered

Reject the suggested offer and set the applicant's bid State to Skipped. A Skipping reason is required to be entered

Accept the offer and the set the applicant's bid State to Offer accepted

Reject the offer and set the applicant's bid State to Offer rejected. A rejection reason is required to be entered

Undo the offer and set the applicant's bid State back to Placed

Allows the rejection reason and date to be updated.
This option is not available if the shortlist is read only; i.e. a later void or shortlist period has been created.

Allows a previously rejected offer to be reopened. 
The bid is returned to a Placed/Nominated state.

Allows a previously accepted offer to be rejected. A rejection reason is required to be selected.

The applicant's Case, Housing Register & Bedroom assessment are re-opened. 

All address entries created for each Person on the case are removed.

The Advert period is reset to Approved/Generated and the Void is set back to Pending, and the Void end date cleared.

Any bids on the shortlist that were marked as Unsuccessful are reset to Placed/Nominated.

By default the first unprocessed applicant on the shortlist is automatically expanded. However the shortlist does not have to be processed in strict order and offers can be made to applicant's further down the list immediately. 

A skipping reason is required to be set for any applicant higher up the shortlist. The system allows multiple applicants to all be assigned the same reason when making an offer. 


Displays the applicant's data that has been used to determine their position on the shortlist. This information is stored at the point that the shortlist is closed to ensure subsequent changes to their application do not affect their queue position. 

The applicant's current Band, bed need and occupancy is displayed at the bottom of the summary page so users can see if anything has changed since the bid was placed.


Displays any alerts associated with the people on the case or the case itself. A breakdown of the each of the individuals on the case is also shown along with their contact details.

Other shortlists

Shows all other shortlists the applicant is currently on along with their queue position and the status of their application on that shortlist. Only currently open shortlists are displayed in this list.


Shows all offers related to the applicants current housing register application, and their status.  The Offers page is only displayed if the applicant has had at least one previous offer.
The number of offers that have been refused with an unreasonable reason in the last 3, 6 and 12 months are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Shortlist history

Displays the history of the application on the shortlist. When an application status is changed the event is recorded along with the details of who and when the change was made.

The Note field allows information to be captured about the bid whilst the shortlist is being processed.


If a void has been identified as Nominations required then at least one applicant from the shortlist must be Nominated before the shortlist can be processed.
Applicants must be processed in order and any applicants that are not being Nominated must be skipped and a skipping reason provided.
Once at least one applicant has been nominated the  button is displayed.

Any number of additional applicants can be nominated. Once the required number has been reached the  button can be clicked.
The Void must be saved after clicking the  button
Any users that only have the permission Shortlisting - view shortlist will only be able to view those nominated applicants.
Once nominations have been finalised on a shortlist and the void saved, the banner changes to show this information.

Additional applicants can be nominated, or existing nominations be removed by clicking .
To help manage the Nominations process there are a number flags that are set on the Void and Shortlist periods records that identify what stage the shortlist is in. These flags can be used to build lists that can be added to dashboards to keep track of the process.
The table below highlights the steps in the process and the flag statuses:

Nominations exhausted
Advertising completed or shortlist generated
Nominations made, but not finalised
Nominations made and finalised
All nominations have been processed without a successful offer
Nominations reopened, additional nominations made, but not finalised
Nominations reopened, additional nominations made and finalised

Accepting offer

When an applicant accepts an offer the details of the offer need to be completed on the system. If the offer is not confirmed then the applicant's Housing Register is not closed down and they will continue to be able to bid on properties.

When the offer has been confirmed and the Void saved, the Void end date is automatically updated with a date that is the day before the tenancy start date.
Once a tenancy has been confirmed the details of it can be updated at a later date if they change. 

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