8. Housing Register applications

8. Housing Register applications

The Huume housing register application is designed to be configured to capture the data required for your policy. Pages, sections and fields can be added by your Administrator so it matches your requirements exactly.


The workflow diagram details the states a housing register application can move through.  

Adding a housing register application

When creating a new housing register application the pages displayed will be dependent on how the form has been configured in your system. The screenshots shown here are just an example of how it may look. 


Save the application, button changes green once the mandatory data has been completed

Discard changes and return back to the case

The Housing Register application has a number of standard groups and fields that are used in the allocations process for eligibility and shortlisting.


Registration date
Date the application was completed
Effective date
Date used for shortlisting purposes to determine an applicant's priority
Closure reason
Reason for closing an application. Becomes mandatory when moving an application to the Closed state


Calculated band
Band automatically calculated based upon the rules built into the form. Used for eligibility and preferences purposes

Displays details of how the banding has been calculated
Override band
Manual override band.  Used for eligibility and preferences purposes
Override reason
Mandatory if an Override band has been set
Bedroom need
Bedroom need details from the bedroom assessment

Occupancy value from the bedroom assessment
Set to 'True' if the Number of bedrooms have access to field is less than the Min effective bed need field from the Bedroom assessment. This field is automatically calculated and read only. 

Priority & eligibility



Applicant type

Used for eligibility or preference purposes

Medical exemption

Used for eligibility purposes

Eligible for wheelchair adapted properties
Used for eligibility or preference purposes
Eligible for level access properties
Used for eligibility or preference purposes

Eligible for sheltered properties

Used for eligibility or preference purposes

Eligible for ground floor/lift need
Used for eligibility or preference purposes
Pet owner
Used for eligibility purposes



Armed Forces

Used for preference purposes

Key worker

Used for preference purposes

Ground floor need
Used for preference purpose



Required property typesAllows applicants to be restricted to only be for eligible for the specified property types. If left blank an applicant is eligible for all types.
Required adaptionsAllows applicants to be restricted to only be for eligible for properties with the specified adaptions
Enable Autobid
When checked bids will be placed automatically on properties as they finish advertising for the applicant, using the criteria specified
Autobid property types
Specify what types of properties automatic bids will be placed on. If left blank then property type will ignored when placing bids
Autobid level access only
If checked automatic bids will only be placed on those properties where the Eligible for level access properties field matches the voids Level access value. 
Autobid sheltered only
If checked automatic bids will only be placed on those properties where the Eligible for sheltered properties field matches the voids Sheltered value.

More information about how the eligibility and preference fields work can be found here - Eligibility and Preference criteria

Local connection

Local connections to individual parishes can be recorded as part of an application. The information can then be used for eligibility or preference purposes when allocating properties.


Edit the local connection

Delete the local connection

Add a new local connection

Refreshes the list to include any updates
Local connection overrides
Add a local connection override to a local authority. This acts like the applicant having a local connection to all parishes within the local authority. Overrides can be added to more than one Local authority area
Local connection override reason
Mandatory if a Local connection override has been set

Adding a local connection

Local authority
Local authority the connection relates to
The specific parish the connection relates to
Type of connection
The type of connection. Default values are Live in the area, Work in the area, Family live in the area, Other
Descriptive text can be added to each connection type for reference
Connection start date
Date connection is valid from
Connection end date
Date connection is valid to
Name of employer
Only displayed for the connection type of Work in the area
Additional information
Any additional information relevant to the local connection
Local connection confirmed
Allows to record when a local connection has been confirmed

Add the local connection

Close the window

Local Connection qualifying questions

If the Local connection qualifying questions have been enabled within the Form Editor then they will be displayed above the Parish connection list. If an applicant has answered 'Yes' to one of the questions then no further questions are displayed.
If an applicant has answered 'Yes' to one of the qualifying questions on the public portal then the system does not ensure they have created a Local connection of that type. It only ensures they have entered at least Local connection

Preferred areas

Specific parishes that an applicant would like to live can be recorded as part of an application. This information is then used for determining what areas bids should be placed if the applicant is setup to have bids placed automatically on their behalf.


Edit the preferred area

Delete the preferred area

Add a new preferred area

Refreshes the list to include any updates

Adding a preferred area

Local authority
Local authority the preferred area relates to
The specific parish that is preferred

Add the preferred area

Close the window


All changes that have been made on the public portal and requests that have been sent from the back office, related to the housing register, are displayed on this tab.

If an applicant has deleted a person from their My Household form the pending change will be flagged on the case and the deleted person will no longer be visible on any people sub forms on the Housing Register application.
Full details of the portal functionality can be found here - 6. Portal.


If Housing register renewals have been enabled in the system settings then the Renewals group is displayed automatically on the form.

Active renewal start date
The date the renewal process was started. Only displayed if the application has a current ongoing renewal
Active renewal target date
The date the renewal process needs to be completed by. Only displayed if the application has a current ongoing renewal
Active renewal needs review
Gets set to True if the renewal has not been completed by the target date and the application could not be closed automatically due to outstanding bids/offers. Only displayed if the application has a current ongoing renewal
Last renewal dateThe date the application was last renewed
Override next renewal dateAllows an application renewal to be brought forward or put back if required

If an applicant is unable to complete their renewal online through the public portal their application can be updated in the back office and then the renewal closed by clicking 
Any changes that may have been started on the public portal will be removed along and all renewal requests will be closed down. Their Last renewal date will be set to the current date.

Renewals process

An overnight routine starts the renewal process for all applications that meet the criteria that have been set in the system. If the application has previously been through the renewal process then the  Last renewal date is used as the trigger. If an application has previously not been renewed then the Created date is used.
A review request is generated for each form that the applicant needs to review. The forms must be completed in the normal order; My profile, My family, My addresses, My housing register 
Applicants will be sent a comms message, if one has been specified, informing them they have a fixed amount of time to renew their application. They will be sent the normal weekly reminders that they have outstanding items to action as well, until they complete their renewal.
If an applicant makes a change as a result of their renewal it will appear in the system as a normal pending change and be included in any lists you currently have setup to show these.
The Has active renewal? flag remains 'True' until all of the forms have been renewed and submitted.
An overnight routine checks for any applications that have not been completed and the target date has now passed, plus any grace period, if one has been set. These applications are then automatically moved to the Closed state. If the application has any changes that have not yet been submitted then these are deleted. Any outstanding Actions are also closed down. If no other strands exists on the Case then this is also set to Archived and again any associated Actions closed.
Journal entries are added to the History page to indicate when a renewal is started, closed automatically or completed.


Bids can be placed on behalf of an applicant while viewing their Housing Register application. Information on previous bids can also be accessed from the same location.

The system calculates and displays the properties an applicant is eligible for when the  button is clicked.

The number of bids that have placed on the property so far

Displays a message to confirm the bid as well as showing the applicants queue position

Withdraws the applicants bid

The applicants current queue position

Displays additional property search options

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

When a placing a bid on behalf of an applicant it can be marked as their Preferred property as well preventing the applicant from withdrawing the bid themselves.

When a bid is placed on a property the snapshot data is updated for all other applicants on the shortlist and their queue positions re-calculated in case their priority has changed since placing their bid. This process is also done when an advert stops being advertised to take into account any banding changes since the last bid was placed on the shortlist.
If an applicant's priority changes after a property has finished being advertised then this will not affect the shortlist order.
When an applicant is prevented from withdrawing a bid it is still visible to them on the public portal.

Properties displayed in the list can be expanded to provide more information as well as direct links to the property and void records.


Display a map showing the location of the property

Edit the property record. The record is opened in a new browser tab

Edit the void record. The record is opened in a new browser tab

Displays the applicants queue position, and the number of people who have currently bid on the property

Allows other properties to be displayed, and not only those that the applicant is eligible for.


Display only those properties currently being advertised that the applicant is eligible for

Display only those properties currently being advertised that the applicant is ineligible for

Displays all properties currently being advertised
Unique property reference
Search by a property UPR
Search by all or part of a property address

Notes & Actions

Displays all Alerts, Notes and Actions assigned to the Homeless application. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 5. Notes, Alerts & Actions  

Comms centre

Displays all Comms linked to the Homeless application. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 4. Communications


Displays all Files linked to the Case. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 24. Files.

Housing register list

Lists containing Housing Register information can be created either via the Cases list or the dedicated Housing Register list under the Applications menu item.

The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from the Housing Register table or information related to any of the following related areas:
  1. Case
  2. Primary applicant
  3. Current address
  4. Previous address
  5. Public portal account
  6. Homeless (English)
  7. Homeless (English legacy)
  8. Bedroom assessment
  9. Financial assistance
  10. Health assessment
  11. Rough sleeper
  12. Support assessment
 There are a number of special calculated fields associated with Housing Register records that can be added to lists. Details of these fields can be found here -  Appendix I - Special/calculated fields

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