24. Files

24. Files

The Files page displays all documents, images, media etc that have been uploaded into the system. The selection of files displayed varies depending on the object you are viewing.

File selection
All files associated with the person
All files associated with the case, all case strands and all related people
Case strand
All files associated with the case, all case strands and all related people
All files associated with the contact
All files associated with the Property

Each group can be expanded to display the files that are associated with that record.

The list of Files within a particular group can be sorted by clicking on the column headings; Title, Type or Created date.

Adding Files and Media

New Files can be added to the system by clicking  against the item you wish to attach a file to.

You are required to select a File type for the attachment before you can add it.

Adding Files and Media to Properties

 When adding files and media to property records you have three additional options.

Show on public portal
Determines if the file will be displayed on the public portal if the property is advertised
Primary photo
Determines which photo will be main photo displayed in the list view
Use file name as title
Keeps the file name and uses it as the name of the attachment

Editing Files and Media

Clicking  allows you to update certain aspects of the file depending on its type.

File title
The name of the file
File type
The type of file
Show on public portal
Should the file be displayed on the public portal.
Only shown for Property files
Primary photo
Should the photo be the primary photo on the public portal.
Only shown for Property files

Allows the images to be rotated

Delete the file

Save the File

Close the window without saving

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