7. Cases

7. Cases

A case is designed to capture any interaction with a single person or group of people. Various information can be stored at the overall case level along with notes, alerts and actions.

Within the case a number of different threads can then be created to manage specific areas; homeless application, risk assessment, housing register application, etc.


The workflow diagram details the states a case can move through.  

Case strands

The following table details the different strands available on a case.

Housing Register
Only one current Housing Register application allowed across all Active Cases with the same primary applicant
Bedroom assessment
Only one Active Bedroom assessment allowed per Case
Automatically created when a Housing Register application is created
Homeless application
Only one current Homeless application allowed across all Active Cases with the same primary applicant
Homeless (legacy) application
Only one current Homeless (legacy) application allowed across all Active Cases with the same primary applicant
Health assessment
Multiple Health assessments allowed per Case
Risk assessment
Multiple Risk assessments allowed per Case
Financial assistance
Only one current Financial assistance form allowed per Case
Rough sleeper
Only one current Rough sleeper form allowed per Case
Multiple Reviews allowed per case
Homeless referral
Multiple Homeless referrals allowed per Case

Adding a new case

After clicking the Add New Case button a blank form is displayed to allow the entry of the new case details.

A case can be assigned to a number of different officers; Primary, Secondary, Supervisors and Other. 

Users can be assigned by selecting their name form the drop-down or typing their name into the field. Any number of officers can be assigned to each role.

By default the Primary case officer is set to the current user.

The Responsible Team dropdown only contains those Teams that have Allow Cases to be assigned to this team set to 'True'

When creating a Case from the Cases list you must add at least one Person to the Case before it can be saved.

If the Case is created from a Person record then they are automatically added to the case, along with any other people they are related to.


Edit the details of how the person is involved in the case

Remove the person from the case. This can only be done before a case is first saved. Once saved people connected to the case are removed by assigning them a leaving date

Edit the selected person. The record is opened in a new browser tab

Add a new person to the case

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

For the Primary applicant the only details that can be updated when they are edited is the date they joined the case. By default this is always set to the current date.

For other people connected to the case there are additional details that can be updated.

Date joined
Date the person joined the case. Defaults to the current date when they are added on the system
Date left case
Date the person left the case
Joint applicant
Allows the person to be identified as a joint applicant
The relationship of the person to the Primary applicant. This change is also updated on the Person record as well, not just this specific case

Switch this person to be the Primary applicant on the case

Accept the changes and close the window

Discard the changes and close the window


Displays key information about the people associated with the case and the different applications and assessments that have been created as part of the case.

Any applications or assessments that have been closed or cancelled are displayed by default. These can be hidden by clicking the Show all toggle.

If any of the records associated with the case have any outstanding pending changes or requested reviews then the appropriate icon is displayed next to them.


Provides a list of people associated with the case.


Identifies the primary and joint applicants

Edit the date the person joined/left the case and their relationship to the primary applicant

Open the person in a new browser tab

Add a new person to the case
Show past applicants
Display details of people who were previously on the case but have now left

When a person is deleted from an application through the public portal it is flagged as a pending change on the case. Once the change has been accepted the Date left field is completed and the Bedroom assessment updated to reflect the change.
The Person remains in the list for audit purposes to provide a history of who was on the case at what time.


Provides information on users associated with the case and displays the Case summary.

Applications & Assessments

Each application/assessment can be expanded to see key information about it

Displays the application/assessment

Refreshes the list to display any updates

Add a new application/assessment to the case. Some applications or assessments are configured to only allow one active copy to be created at any one time

Moving Applications & Assessments

If a user has the correct privileges then the  button is displayed. This allows applications & assessments to be moved from one Case to another.
Applications & assessments can only be moved to another existing Active Case. If any Files or Actions exist on the original Homeless referral then a warning is displayed that these will need to be moved manually.
The following table provides details on the applications & assessments currently supported.

Homeless referral
Original Homeless referral set to 'Closed (moved)'.
Journal entry created on original referral to record the new Case and Application reference.
Journal entry created on new referral to record the old Case and application reference.
Any Actions related to the original referral will be automatically closed.
Homeless application
Original Homeless application set to 'Closed (moved to another case)'.
Journal entry created on original application  to record the new Case and Application reference.
Journal entry created on the new application to record the old Case and Application reference.
Any Actions related to the original application will be automatically closed.


Allows the Case officer and Case detail sections to be updated.


All changes that have been made on the public portal related to the case are displayed on this tab.

Full details of the portal functionality can be found here - 6. Portal.


All history related to the case and applications/assessments is displayed on this tab. 


Jump to a specific month

Filter the list to show a different selection of events

Notes & Actions

Displays all Alerts, Notes and Actions assigned to the Case, any person linked to the case or any applications/assessments. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 5. Notes, Alerts & Actions.


Displays all Comms messages linked to the Case. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 4. Communications.


Displays all Files linked to the Case. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 24. Files.


All Exports that have been requested for the Case are displayed here. They are separated between Case Exports and Activity exports

Case Exports

A Case export creates a zipped file containing all information from the Case. The Case export is structured as follows:
  1. A separate spreadsheet for each Person on the case containing all Person data, and any Notes attached to the Person
  2. A spreadsheet containing all Case data, and any Notes attached to the Case
  3. A spreadsheet for each Case strand containing all data held, and any Notes attached to the strand.
  4. A separate folder for each Person, case and case strand that contains any files stored in the system or Comms messages that have been sent
  5. A separate Notes document that contains all Notes associated with all People, Case and Case strands

Activity Exports

An Activity export creates a zipped file containing a spreadsheet that details all the user activity on the case.


Create a new request to export the Case

Download the case file

Refresh the list to show the current state of any requests

Once a Case request has been created it may take a few minutes before the file is available for download.
Clicking the Refresh button will show the current state of any requests.

Case list

The Cases option in the explorer displays a list of all cases created in the system.

The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from the Case table or information related to any of the following related areas:
  1. Primary applicant
  2. Current address
  3. Previous address
  4. Public portal account
  5. Housing Register
  6. Homeless (English)
  7. Homeless (English legacy)
  8. Bedroom assessment
  9. Financial assistance
  10. Health assessment
  11. Rough sleeper
  12. Support assessment
There are a number of special calculated fields associated with Case records that can be added to lists.  Details of these fields can be found in Appendix I - Special/calculated fields

Case officers list

The Case officer list shows all officers assigned to cases. The list shows each assignee as a separate line so a case can appear in the list multiple times if it has multiple officers assigned to it.
If the list is grouped by Officer name then it provides a view of case workload by officer.

Case people list

The Case people list shows all people assigned to cases. The list shows each person on a case as a separate line so if a person is assigned to more than one case then they will appear multiple times.

The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from the Case officer table or information related to any of the following related areas:
  1. Case
  2. User
  3. Primary applicant
  4. Current address
  5. Previous address
  6. Public portal account
  7. Housing Register
  8. Homeless (English)
  9. Homeless (English legacy)
  10. Bedroom assessment
  11. Financial assistance
  12. Health assessment
  13. Rough sleeper
  14. Support assessment
There are a number of special calculated fields associated with Case records that can be added to lists.  Details of these fields can be found in Appendix I - Special/calculated fields

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