3. People

3. People

All information about people are stored as separate person records. Person records are used to capture information about customers and their related household members. Information related to other types of relationships such as; support workers, landlords, case workers, etc, can be stored in the system as Contacts.


Adding a new person

After clicking  a blank form is displayed to allow the entry of the new persons details.


The mandatory fields that need to be completed before you can save a new person will depend on your specific system configuration.

National Insurance Number

If a person over 16 years old is created then the National Insurance number field will become mandatory. Validation is done on the National Insurance number to ensure it matches the correct format.
If a person does not have a UK National Insurance number, then an alternative national identity number can be recorded by choosing from the dropdown.

Communication preferences

Before a new person can be saved their preferences need to be set so they can receive communication from the system. Any person under 16 years of age is not required to enter their communications preferences.




Email address

Enter the email address that all notifications will be sent to

No email address

Tick this box if the person does not have an email address

How would like to be contacted

Tick the route that the person would like to be contacted through

SMS is only available if it has been enabled in the system settings and a Mobile telephone number has been entered
Additional correspondence email address
If an email address is entered then a copy of all notifications will be sent to this address as well.
This additional address is only used if How would you like to be contacted is set to Email.

Email account syncing

If a Person record is linked to a Public portal account then the Sync email address with public portal account field will be displayed. 
If the Sync email address with public portal account field is ticked then the contents of the Email address field will be overwritten with the public portal account email address when the record is saved.
When this field is ticked the Email address field is set to be read-only.

Potential duplicates

When a person record is saved the system automatically checks if there are any potential duplicates already in the system. If any are found a new section is displayed on the first page of the form, and a banner is added to the top of the page.


Duplicates are identified by matching a combination of the First name, Family name, Date of birth and National Insurance number. Each potential duplicate is given a rating depending on the quality of the match and the number of criteria that are similar.

When matching First names and Family names the system performs a fuzzy search to help identity those people where their details may have been incorrectly spelt.

If a person is flagged as a potential duplicate but is not actually a duplicate record, then it can be marked so it is not highlighted in the future. Check the relevant box and then click . A reason can be entered why there are being resolved and this information is then stored against the record.


Relationships to other people in the system can be captured, and used when creating cases.




Edit the existing relationship to change its type

Remove the existing relationship

Edit the selected person in a new browser tab

Add a new relationship to the person

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

Adding a new relationship

To add a new relationship to a person click .
Search options allow you to see if the person already exists in the system. Any matching records are returned in a list.



Search the other people on the system to find the individual you wish to create a relationship against

Add a new person to create a relationship against

Create a new relationship to the person

Edit the selected person. The record is opened in a new browser tab

Close the window

When adding a relationship to a person you are required to specify the type of relationship that the person has to the current record.


Once a relationship has been selected a reciprocal relationship then needs to be specified. The list of reciprocal relationships is calculated based on the relationship that has been selected.

Once a relationship has been created  will close the window and return to the Related People tab.

If the person that you wish to create a relationship to does not exist in the system then they can be added by clicking on the  button.
A simplified 'Quick add' form is displayed to capture all of the key information needed for other related people.

Once the Person has been saved the newly added record is displayed in the search results so a relationship can be added.


As well as capturing relationships to other Person records, the system also allows relationships to Contacts to be stored against a Person.

Contacts needed to be added through the Contacts list before they can be related to a person.
The process of adding a relationship to a Contact is the same as adding a relationship to a person.


Any number of addresses can be created against a person to provide a history of where they have lived in the past.




Edit the existing address

Delete the address

Add a new address to the person

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

Correspondence address

Can be populated using existing addresses, or by entering a completely new address directly into the field. NOTE: A salutation needs to entered as well as the address

Sets the correspondence address to be the same as the current address. The Preferred contact name from the Person Details tab is added as the salutation 

Displays a dropdown list of all addresses to allow one to be selected as the correspondence address. The Preferred contact name from the Person Details tab is added as the salutation

If an address has been created as a result of a Homeless placement then it cannot be amended through this screen, it can only be updated through the Homeless placement 
Click  to create a new address record for the person.



Use the postcode to search for the address

Allows an address to be entered manually

Records if the person does not have an address for a period of time

Close the window



Return to the previous page

Confirm the address details and move to the next page

Close the window

Is this their current address
If set to True then a date that they moved out is not required
Set their correspondence address to this address
This is only shown if  Is this their current address is set to True. Once saved the correspondence address is overwritten with this address and the  Preferred contact name from the Person Details tab is added as the salutation

Return to the previous page

Confirm the date details and move to the next page

Close the window


Related people
Select the people that lived at this address

Return to the previous page

Add the new address and close the window

Close the window


If the person is connected to any cases then they are shown here. Cases are displayed when the person is either the primary applicant on the case or a related person.

By default only Active cases are displayed.





Name of the Primary applicant on the case as well as a link to the summary text of the case. By placing the cursor over the  icon the text is then displayed in a window

Other info

All applications and assessments that have been created under the case

Edits the case and opens it in a new tab

Add a new case against the person

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

Toggles the list between Active cases and All cases

For more information on adding and editing cases see the Cases section.


All changes that have been made on the public portal and requests that have been sent from the back office, related to the person, are displayed on this tab.


Further details on the functionality can be found here - 6. Portal.

If the Person record is linked to a Public portal account then details of that account are displayed on the Portal page.

The  button allows you to login to the public portal and impersonate the applicant. All actions undertaken are logged in the audit trail to show they have been completed by the user impersonating the applicant. 
You can only impersonate one applicant at any one time.


Displays all Files linked to the Person. Further details on the functionality can be found in 24. Files. 


All history related to the person is displayed on this tab. 




Jump to a specific month

Filter the list to show a different selection of events

Information relating to the member of staff that is linked to a history entry can be viewed by clicking on their name. This displays a dialog with all the details that is stored in the system against their user account.

Notes & Actions

Displays all Alerts, Notes and Actions assigned to the person. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 5. Notes, Alerts & Actions 


Displays all Comms linked to the Person. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 4. Communications

People list

The People option in the explorer displays a list of everyone registered in the system.


The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from the Person table or information related to any of the following related areas:
  1. Current address
  2. Previous address
  3. Public portal account
There are a number of special calculated fields associated with People records that can be added to lists. Details of these fields can be found in Appendix I - Special/calculated fields

People addresses list

The People addresses list, in the Additional info folder, displays all addresses related to People records.

The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from the Person address table or information related to any of the following related areas:
  1. Person
  2. Current address
  3. Previous address
  4. Public portal account
  5. Tenancy
There are a number of special calculated fields associated with People records that can be added to lists. Details of these fields can be found in  Appendix I - Special/calculated fields

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