23. Homeless referrals

23. Homeless referrals

Homeless referrals can be configured to capture information about referrals from other organisations. Pages, sections and fields can be added by your Administrator so it matches your requirements exactly.

The workflow diagram details the states a Homeless referral can move through.  

Adding a homeless referral form

When creating a new homeless referral, the pages displayed will be dependent on how the form has been configured in your system. The screenshots shown here are just an example of how it may look.



Save the form, button changes green once the mandatory data has been completed

Discard changes and return back to the case


All Actions assigned to the Homeless referral are displayed on this tab.

Actions are displayed based on their Group. 



Edit the Action/Alert

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

Filter the list to show a different selection

Comms centre

All communications that have been sent for the Homeless referral are displayed here. By default, communications sent in the current month are displayed.



Create a new message

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

Downloads a PDF of the message sent

Allows a draft message to edited before being sent

Allows the details to be viewed that were used to send the message

Display the messages sent and received in a specific month. The orange icon denotes draft messages that have not yet been sent


All files stored against the Homeless referral are displayed on this tab. 



File/media types

Category that the file/media will be stored under

Click to select files through a dialog, or drag files onto the icon


Homeless referrals list

The Homeless referrals option in the explorer displays a list of all the Homeless referral records in the system.

Public Homeless referral form

The Homeless referral form on the public portal allows third party organisations to submit a Duty to refer form and the data be saved directly into the system.

The public form can be configured in the same way as all other forms in the system through the Form Editor.

The Homeless referral form can be accessed on the public portal by going to the following URL – https://website-name/forms/homelessreferral

When a form is submitted the following records are created in the back office:

Person record

Case record

Homeless referral added to case with a status of ‘Submitted online’


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