Release v5.7.1 03/08/2022

Release v5.7.1 03/08/2022

New & improved

Public portal

Property alerts

A new View your alerts page has been added to the My Accountpage of the public portal.

Customers are able to opt in to receive email alerts when properties matching their criteria are advertised.

Emails are sent on a weekly basis.

The properties can be specified based on:

     Advert types

     Property types


     All properties/eligible only


     Minimum & maximum bedrooms

     Level access property

     Sheltered property

     Garden type


     Lift available

     Pets allowed

A banner is displayed on the My Account page to inform users of the new functionality when they first login.

This functionality is switched off by default. Please see How to enable property alert notifications for details on how to switch it on.

Back office


A new System settings option has been added to the Administration folder.

Allocations and People records have been created to store system settings that are relevant to that part of the system.



An Enable advert alerts option has been created under the Allocation system settings.

This option enables property alerts to be sent to customers on the specified day.



Duplicate people checking section has been created under the People system settings.

This allows the criteria level used to determine matches to be adjusted.



The maximum size of files that can be uploaded in the back office has been increased to 8Mb.



A new option, Customise system settings, has been added to the Customisation folder.


Public portal accounts

A new field has been added to the Public portal account list, Property alert email enabled.

This field is set to True if the customer has enabled the property alert emails.



A new page has been added to the Public portal account form, Alerts.

This page displays the same information that the customer sees on their View your alerts page.

Alerts can be set on behalf of the customer on this page.


Comms Templates

A new template has been created, Property alerts email (Your properties).

This template is used to notify customers of properties that are being advertised that match their preferences.


Advert types

A new section has been added to the Advert types, Advert alert email, that allows the fields displayed in the property alert email to be specified.



Back office

Comms template

Fixed an issue where the Public portal account summary/reminder email would not display data from the Person record.


Homeless applications

Fixed an issue in the H-CLIC file where the primary applicant would be assigned a leaving date when the Homeless application and Case were closed down.

Public portal

My account

Fixed an issue where changes to the public portal account in the back office are not displayed on the My Account page.

Note any changes to public portal accounts will not show until the account has been re-saved.


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