26. Services

26. Services

Services list

The Services option in the explorer displays a list of all the services records in the system.

Adding a new Service

After clicking the Add New Support service button a blank form is displayed to allow the entry of the new services details.

The mandatory fields that need to be completed before you can save a new provider will depend on your specific system configuration.


Displays all Referrals that have been made to the service.

Referrals can be sorted by clicking on a column header.
Clicking  displays details of the Referral.


Opens the Case in a new browser tab
Referral dateThe date of the referral. Cannot be in the future
Start dateMandatory when the referral is moved to the Accepted state
PriorityDetermines the priority when compared to other referrals to this service
Rejection reasonMandatory when the referral is moved to the Rejected state
Removal reasonMandatory when the referral is moved to the Removed state

Other referrals

Displays all other Services the applicant has been referred to.


The workflow diagram details the states a Support referral can move through.  


Contacts related to the service can be captured in the system. The system stores details of the contacts as well as their contact type.


Edit the existing contact to change its type

Remove the contact

Edit the selected contact. The record is opened in a new browser tab

Add a new contact to the service

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred


Search the other Contacts on the system

Add a new Contact record 

Create a link to a Contact record

Edit the selected Contact. The record is opened in a new browser tab

Close the window

When adding a link to a contact you need to find the contact that the link relates to, or add a new contact, and then specify the type.

Notes & Actions

Displays all Alerts, Notes and Actions assigned to the service. Further details on the functionality can be found here - 5. Notes, Alerts & Actions.


Displays all Files linked to this service and any of the other provider's services. Further details on the functionality can be found in 24. Files. 

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