17. Homeless placements

17. Homeless placements

Homeless placements are managed from within a homeless application on the Placements page.



Edit the existing placement

Add a new placement to the homeless application

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

The Placements page displays all placements that have been created against the homeless application.

A homeless application can have more than one current placement to allow for circumstances where families need to be accommodated in more than one property.

Adding a placement

When creating a new placement, the Add new placement form is displayed.



Save the application, button changes green once the mandatory data has been completed

Discard changes and return back to the case

Placement type

If a type of ‘Temporary accommodation’ is selected then a tenancy is required to be created for the placement

Start date

The date the placement/tenancy will start from

If the Placement type is set to Temporary accommodation’ then the Temporary accommodation group is displayed.

Search criteria can be specified to find suitable accommodation that matches the applicant's requirements.



Start date

The date that a property is required from

Required min/max bedrooms

The number of bedrooms that are required.

If the applicant has a Bedroom assessment on the case, then these values are pre-populated.

Search for available properties that match the criteria

All properties that have been a Permitted use of Temporary accommodation and meet the criteria are displayed. 

For properties that have TA void tracking enabled only those properties that are void from the required start date are listed. 

If a property does not have TA void tracking enabled then you will need to check if they have a vacancy before commencing the tenancy.

Clicking the  displays the Tenancy details.

If creating a placement in gap in a properties void history then you must enter an end date when saving the placement

When a tenancy is created the following updates are automatically performed:

  1. All current address for people linked to the case are updated to have an end date of the day before the tenancy starts
  1. A new current address is created for each person linked to the case with the details of the tenancy
  1. If the tenancy has been created against a void that has TA void tracking enabled then the Void end date is set to the day before the tenancy starts and the Void state is set to ‘Allocated’

When a tenancy has an End date entered against it the following updates are automatically performed:

  1. If the tenancy has been created against a void that has TA automatically create new voids enabled then a new Void record is created with a Void start date set to the date the tenancy ends

Duty under which placement is provided

The Duty under which a placement is provided is updated automatically depending on the state of the Homeless application. The rules for this are as follows:
  1. If an application is moved to the Main Duty owed state, any placements without an end date (& not cancelled) will have the Duty under which placement is provided set to 'Main duty: Section 193(2) or S195(A)'
  2. If an application is moved back to the Relief Duty owed state, any placements without an end date (& not cancelled) will have the Duty under which placement is provided set to 'Interim: pending enquiries, intentional homeless, awaiting review or appeal'

Homeless placements list

Lists containing the latest Homeless placement connected to a Homeless application can be created from the Homeless list. Lists based on all Homeless placement records can be created from the dedicated Homeless placements list under the Applications menu item.

The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from  the   Homeless placements table. There are a number of special calculated fields associated with Homeless placements that can be added to lists. Details of these fields can be found in  Appendix I - Special/calculated fields

TA Properties

Temporary accommodation tenancies can be created in any property that has been marked as having a Permitted use of Temporary accommodation. Once this value is set on a property the Temporary accommodation group is displayed on the Property form.



TA accommodation type

The type of TA accommodation that will used for H-CLIC reporting 

TA void tracking

If enabled the system will track when the property is void and only allow one placement at a time in the property

TA automatically create new voids

If enabled a new void record is automatically created for the property when a tenancy is ended

TA Void tracking

All temporary accommodation properties need to have a Void record before any tenancies can be created against them, regardless of whether they have TA void tracking enabled or not.

TA void tracking enabled – only allows one tenancy to be created against a Void record. Once a tenancy is created, the Void record is updated with an end date and its State set to ‘Allocated’.

This setting should be enabled if you have sole control over who can be placed in the property.

TA void tracking disabled – allows any number of tenancies to be created against a Void record. The Void remains open after a tenancy has been created. The Void record needs to be manually updated with an End date to stop it appearing as available for placements.

This setting should be used if you do not have sole control over the property and need to check with a third party to find out if they have space i.e., Bed & Breakfast.

TA automatically create new voids – when this setting is enabled a new Void record is created automatically when a tenancy is ended. This ensures the property is available for a tenancy to be commenced in it without any user involvement.

Once a tenancy has been created against a Void record the End date cannot be updated manually. It can only be updated by ending the relevant tenancy.

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