16. Reviews

16. Reviews

Reviews can be created as part of a case. The review can be related to the case as whole or to one of applications/assessments within the case.


The workflow diagram details the states a Review can move through.  

Adding a review

When creating a new review, the pages displayed will be dependent on how the form has been configured in your system. The screenshots shown here are just an example of how it may look.


Save the review, button changes green once the mandatory data has been completed

Discard changes and return back to the case
Review requested dateThe date the review was requested
Case or related applicationDetermines whether the review is related to the case or a specific application/assessment
Review typeDetermines the type of review
Date completedBecomes mandatory when a review is changed to the Completed state
OutcomeBecomes mandatory when a Date completed is entered
Homeless decision typeOnly displayed when a review is associated with a homeless application
Decision subject to County Court AppealOnly displayed when a review is associated with a homeless application
Was the applicant’s review upheld

Only displayed when a review is associated with a homeless application

Becomes mandatory when a Date completed is entered

When a case, application or assessment has an active review associated with it a flag is set to allow them to be easily identified. These fields can be added as columns when viewing the records in lists. The fields are:

  1. Case – Has active case review
  2. Housing register – Has active HRA review
  3. Homeless – Has active HOM review
  4. Bedroom assessment – Has active BA review
  5. Rough sleeper - Has active RS review
  6. Financial assistance - Has active FA review
  7. Homeless (English legacy) - Has active HOM review

Reviews list

The Reviews option in the explorer displays a list of all the Review records in the system.

The list can be configured to show both standard and custom fields from the Reviews table or information related to any of the following related areas:
  1. Case
  2. Primary applicant
  3. Current address
  4. Previous address
  5. Public portal account
  6. Homeless (English)
  7. Homeless (English legacy)
  8. Bedroom assessment
  9. Financial assistance
  10. Health assessment
  11. Rough sleeper
  12. Support assessment
 Th There are a number of special calculated fields associated with Reviews that can be added to lists. Details of these fields can be found in Appendix I - Special/calculated fields
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