11. Public portal website

11. Public portal website

The public portal website can be updated through the Website option within the Administration folder.

A record will be displayed for each public portal that is currently in use. For the majority of implementations there will only be a single website listed.  




Website name

The name of the website

Internal description

Description of website

Disable property advertising
Removes the Property advertising functionality from the public portal. This removes the Properties button as well as the Available properties pane on the home page
Disable outcomes (recent lets)
Removes the Previously advertised properties functionality from the public portal.
Allow new actions to be created from My Actions
Allows buttons to appear on the My Actions page for the applicant to create their own actions
Enable public referral form (duty to refer)
Allows the Homeless referral form to be accessible on the public portal
Enable housing register pre assessment form
Requires applicants to complete a pre-assessment form before completing the Housing Register form
Require pre-assessment to be completed for every Housing Register application
Requires applicants to complete a pre-assessment form before each Housing Register application even if they are on the same Case

Display the relevant settings according to the version of the website chosen. Published versions of the website cannot be amended

Save the website

Cancel changes and return to the list




Website header

Allows the content of the website header to be updated

Website footer

Allows the content of the website footer to be updated

My profile
Allows the content displayed at the start of the sub-form to be modified, as well as the content displayed on the final Submit page
My family
Allows the content displayed at the start of the sub-form to be modified, as well as the content displayed on the final Submit page
My addresses
Allows the content displayed at the start of the sub-form to be modified, as well as the content displayed on the final Submit page
My Housing Register
Allows the content displayed at the start of the sub-form to be modified, as well as the content displayed on the final Submit page


List of all standard content pages that are used on the site

Your content
List of all your custom content pages

Reorder your custom content pages to set the display order on the public portal

Edit the selected content

Adds a new content page

When an Edit button is clicked the relevant content is displayed in an Editor window ready to be updated.

The content options available depend on the page being viewed. The table below summaries the options for each page.
Website header
Single content section displayed at the top of all pages
Website footer
Single content section displayed at the bottom of all pages
My profile
Content displayed before an applicant completes the My profile form
My family
Content displayed before an applicant completes the My family form
My address
Content displayed before an applicant completes the My address form
My housing register
Content displayed before an applicant completes the My housing register form
My homeless application
Content displayed before an applicant completes the My homeless application form
Public homeless referral
Content displayed before the homeless referral form is completed
Main content displayed on the home page as well as content that can be displayed in the righthand side bar
My actions
Content displayed underneath the list of actions as well as content related to applicants creating their own actions
Content that can be displayed in the property filter bar and at the top and bottom of the property page
Content displayed when clicking the accessibility link
Content displayed when clicking the privacy link. If a central privacy policy exists on an external site then the link can be directed to that site by selecting from the 'Select a template' dropdown
Content displayed when clicking the cookie link. If a central cookie policy exists on an external site then the link can be directed to that site by selecting from the 'Select a template' dropdown

Adding a new page



Page name

The title of the page

Page URL

Automatically generated from the page title


A number of different standard page templates are available. 

Content editors

The number of Editor windows displayed depend on the template selected




Site theme

Allows site theme colours to be set

Custom styles

Allows custom styles to be created for the website


The stats page provides statistics around website visitors. Information can be broken down to show Sources, Pages, Countries and Devices.
All information is powered by Plausible Analytics.


When a change is made to the website a banner is displayed to highlight that the changes need to be published before they are visible to users.

Once a website has been marked as Published, when it is saved the changes are then made live and a new draft version of the website is created ready for the next time it needs to be amended.
Changes can be previewed prior to being published by clicking the Preview Changes button. The public portal website will be opened in a new browser tab. A banner is displayed on the site to clearly show that this is a preview of the website.

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