Release v3.8.1 29/11/2021

Release v3.8.1 29/11/2021

New & improved

Back office


The Housing Register form has been updated to display the Marketing Summary information on the Bids page in place of the Marketing information field.



Introduced new functionality that stops Property records being updated while they there being advertised on the public portal.



Introduced new functionality that stops Void records being updated while they there being advertised on the public portal.



The user interface for selecting the start and end advertising dates has been updated and split into 2 separate calendars.

New rules have been added to the form to ensure:

the advertising end date is not set prior to the current date

the advertising period cannot be changed after the end date has already passed



New functionality has been added that allows an advert to be removed whilst it is being advertised.

Any bids placed on the advert are automatically withdrawn and applicants can no longer bid on it on the public portal.

The withdrawn advert appears on the public portal as a previously advertised property along with the reason why it was withdrawn.


Financial assistance

Financial assistance forms have been created as a new item that can be created as part of a case.

Only one Financial assistance form can be Active on a case at any one time.

The Financial assistance form is configurable and can have additional fields, pages and groups added to it through the Form Editor.



A new Action category has been added to allow Financial assistance action definitions to be created.

Any Actions created against a Financial assistance form are also displayed on the Actions page when viewing the Case.

Financial assistance actions can be displayed on the public portal and can also be setup for applicants to upload files against.



New message sub type has been created to allow Financial assistance Comms templates to be created.



A new Financial assistance list has created to display all Financial assistance records.


Rough sleeper

Rough sleeper forms have been created as a new item that can be created as part of a case.

Only one Rough sleeper form can be Active on a case at any one time.

The Rough sleeper form is configurable and can have additional fields, pages and groups added to it through the Form Editor.



A new Action category has been added to allow Rough sleeperaction definitions to be created.

Any Actions created against a Rough sleeper form are also displayed on the Actions page when viewing the Case.



New message sub type has been created to allow Rough sleeperComms templates to be created.



A new Rough sleeper list has created to display all Rough sleeper records.



A new permission has been added to the Properties folder, Edit property during advertising.



A new permission has been added to the Properties: Voids folder, Edit void during advertising.



A new permission has been added to the Properties: Advertsfolder, Withdraw during advertising.

Users need the Edit void during advertising permission in conjunction with this permission.



A new Cases: Financial assistance permission group has been created with the following options:

View and edit 

View only

Create actions 

Dashboard tiles only



A new Cases: Rough sleeper permission group has been created with the following options:

View and edit 

View only

Create actions 

Dashboard tiles only


Action definitions

When adding new Action definition the default values for fields have been updated to make it easier to add new records:

Enabled = Yes

Show on public portal = No

Auto complete when adding = No

Default owner = Current user

Default responsibility = Our organisation

Allow staff to enter comments = Yes

Staff comment mandatory = No

Staff comment label = Comments

Allow public to enter comments = Yes (if shown on portal)

Public comment mandatory = No

Public comment label = Any comments?



Additional logic has been added to the Action definition form to ensure:

Only Case, Case Person, Housing Register, English Homeless and Financial assistance action types can be set to ‘Show on public portal’

All other action types can only be assigned a Responsibility of ‘Our organisation’ 

Only Case, Case Person, Housing Register, English Homeless and Financial assistance action types display the ‘Default personal housing plan task’ field



When creating or editing an Action if the Action definition does not allow it to be displayed on the public portal, then it can no longer be assigned to the applicant.  



Updated the case dashboard to show each person’s Date of birthas well as their age.



Back office


Fixed an error where the Was any temporary accommodation provided under S189 power field was not saving the value set.



Fixed an error where the address was incorrectly displayed on the case dashboard if an applicant's current address was set to ‘No fixed abode’.



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