New & Improved
Back office | Lookups | Standard tags added to lookup items for the Garden type, Parking type and Pets allowed lookups to determine if an icon should be displayed for a particular type. |
| Voids | A new option has been added to the Minimum and Maximum Ageeligibility rules that allows Primary and Joint applicants to be selected as the group that must meet the criteria. |
| A new Medical exemption eligibility option has been created on the void that can be selected if a Minimum age criteria is specified. If the Medical exemption criteria is enabled for a Void then applicants will be allowed to bid for the property if they meet the age criteria specified OR if they have a medical exemption recorded on their housing Register application. |
| Housing Register | A new standard Medical exemption field has been added to the Housing Register application. This field allows applicants to bid on age restricted properties if they do not meet the age criteria but do meet the medical exemption criteria specified on the Void. |
| Shortlisting | A new page has been added to the shortlist to display an applicant’s previous offers. The Offers page is only displayed if the applicant being processed has a current offer, or had previous offers, associated to their current housing register application. A summary is displayed on the page to show the number of offers the applicant has refused in the previous 3, 6 and 12 months that have been classed as Unreasonable based on the refusal reason specified. |
Public portal | Comms | The weekly summary emails are now scheduled to send applicant's information on the following items: Unread messages Outstanding actions Outstanding form requests The emails are stored against the primary applicant Personrecord and visible in the Comms Centre along with all other messages. |
Public portal | Forms | Disabled form page navigation whilst data is being saved to help prevent any concurrent update errors occurring. |
| Accounts | Fixed an issue where an error was generated when a new account was created if the applicant’s email address had leading/trailing spaces. An additional change has also been made to handle this situation when an applicant is logging in. |
Back office | Infrastructure | Fixed an issue where a record; Contact, Housing Register application, etc, could not be updated after a Comms message had been sent. |
| Risk Assessment | Fixed an issue where the Aggressive or Violent details field could not have its min or max length set on the form. |