Release v1.13.1 08/04/2021

Release v1.13.1 08/04/2021

New & Improved

Public portal

Website styling

The public website has been updated to provide the following new functionality:

·       Edit the overall website header & footer

·       Add custom styles

·       Edit home page text

·       Add additional custom content pages

·       Versioning of the website and ability to publish a new version

·       Ability to preview a version prior to publishing

A new Website menu item has been added in the back office to allow administrators access to the website settings.


Customer logins

The customer registration and login pages have been updated so they are now managed within the main website and benefit from the updated styling changes.

Back office

Portal account information

Information associated with a person’s portal account can now be added to People lists.



Back office


Fixed an issue where only standard primary applicant fields could be added into Case and Housing Register lists. Now all custom Personfields can be added to lists.


Bedroom assessments

Fixed a bug where Bedroom Assessment calculations were run before the record was saved resulting in an error.



Fixed a bug where certain letter templates were being generated with text in a reverse order.

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