Release 8.6.1 28/11/2023

Release 8.6.1 28/11/2023

New & Improved

Back office


A new Export page has been added to the Case form.

This allows an entire Case to be exported in a single zipped file.

Each Person on the case, the case itself and each case strand has a spreadsheet created that contains all the information that they contain.

Folders containing all Files associated with the case, and all Comms messages that have been sent are also contained within the file.

Once an export has been requested it takes a few minutes for the file to generated. Once it is completed a Download button is displayed.



A new set of permissions have been added under the Cases: Exports folder:

-       Request case exports

-       View all case exports

-       View and download all case exports

-       View own case exports

-      View and download own case exports

These new permissions control access to the new case export functionality



The Integration jobs list has been updated to now show details of all case exports as well.



Homeless applications in the Submitted online state can now be moved to another case.


Back office


A pop-up check has been introduced to help non-Azure AD users from being signed out.



Fixed an issue where a household member could be added to a case more than once if they had previously been on a case and then left.

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