Release 8.5.1 10/11/2023

Release 8.5.1 10/11/2023

New & Improved

Back office

Support assessments

When a Support assessment is first created it is now assigned a state of Pending, instead of being made Active straight away.



A new permission has been added to the Shortlists folder, View people details on shortlist.

This new permission controls which Roles can view the People details displayed on the shortlist.

This is separate from the People permissions so users can be granted access to the information on the shortlist but not the full People list.

This permission has been automatically been granted to any Role that already has permission to view People records.



A new Rough sleeper (linked contact) comms sub type has been added to allow comms message to be created for third party contacts using Rough sleeper data.


Bedroom assessments

When a Bedroom assessment is in the Archived state it no longer has the bed need values re-calculated if the Case is updated.



Updated the state change logic so that:

-       a Case cannot be Archived if there are any ‘open’ case strands

-       all people have a Date left entered when a case is Archived

-       all people have the Date left cleared when a case is Re-activated



Updated the state change logic to ensure People cannot be Archived if they are on an Active case.



Add H-CLIC last validation date column to the Homeless list


Back office


Fixed an issue where an error could be generated when an accepted offer was rejected on a shortlist and it contained other nominated bids.

If a case has an active Review then do not automatically close the case when accepting an offer



Fixed an issue where changes were not saved when the image rotation rules were used on a picture.



Fixed an issue where Comms wrappers could produce an error when saved.

When viewing published Comms wrappers and Comms templates then the form should be read only as they cannot be edited



Improvements to H-CLIC file creation and schematron errors



Fixed an issue where adding a property with a parish that is longer than 50 characters caused an error

Public portal

Actions and Upload file

Fixed an issue where files could not be uploaded if the file extension was upper case (e.g. .PDF and not .pdf)



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