Release 8.2.1 18/09/2023

Release 8.2.1 18/09/2023

New & Improved

Back office


Lists have been updated to allow far more fields to be added as columns.

The previous restriction where a large number of filter criteria could cause an error due to the size of the query has also been removed.



If a column is used as a filter in a list then it is now identified in the column chooser, and stops the column being removed from the list until it has been removed from the filter.



The Case officer fields now support the use of the Is blank and Is not blank filter criteria.



When exporting records from a list if the number of records exceeds the Maximum allowed in a single file, then a warning is displayed to let the user know that not all the records have been exported in the file.


Reporting APIs

New Reporting API functionality has been introduced.

Reports can be setup to include specific columns of data and filtered to return the records required.

These reports can be called using a third-party product and the data returned in a structured format directly into the third-party product.

The system allows 5 active Report APIs and 5 API calls per day (per organisation) as standard.

If more Report APIs or calls are required then a Premium service is available, at additional cost.



A new Report APIs list has been added to the Integrations centre folder.

This lists all the Report APIs that have been created.



A new Integration users list has been added to the Integrations centre folder.


Integration users are used to provide secure access the Report APIs.



A new Usage report has been added to the Integrations centre folder.

This provides details of the number of Active Report APIs and the number of daily requests.



A new Reporting APIs permission has been introduced in the Integrations centre folder.


System settings

A new Reporting API section has been added to the General System settings. These settings are used to control the different limits associated with the Reporting API functionality.


Pending changes

New fields have been created that record the date that Pending changes were submitted and the number of days that have passed since that date. These fields can be used in lists to order pending changes based on when they were received.

The new fields are:


    Case pending changes date

    Case days since has pending changes

     All pending changes date

     All days since has pending changes


    Person pending changes date

     Person days since has pending changes

Housing Register

    HRA pending changes date

     HRA days since has pending changes


    HOM pending changes date

     HOM days since has pending changes



New fields have been created that record the date that an Applicant completed all the actions that were assigned to them and the number of days that have passed since that date. These fields can be used in lists to order applications based on when all the actions were completed.

The new fields are:


    Case actions neeed review date

     Case actions days since need review

     All actions need review date

     All actions days since need review

Housing Register

    HRA actions neeed review date

     HRA actions days since need review

Homeless (English)

     HOM actions neeed review date

     HOM actions days since need review

Homeless (English legacy)

     HOM actions neeed review date

     HOM actions days since need review

Financial assistance

     FA actions neeed review date

     FA actions days since need review

Health assessment

     HA actions neeed review date

     HA actions days since need review

Rough sleeper

     RS actions neeed review date

     RS actions days since need review

Support assessment

    SA actions neeed review date

     SA actions days since need review



Performance improvements have been made to the forms to help improve memory efficiency and speed, particularly when using the same browser window over a prolonged period of time.


Back office


Fixed an issue where the Required adaptations field did not display multiple values when added to a list.



Fixed an issue where the order of columns were not always saved when saving a list.



Fixed an issue where date fields were not always exported to Excel as date fields impacting filtering/sorting.



Fixed an issue where the Assign to support provider? Could not be added to the Teams list.



Fixed an issue where a read-only date field could still be updated through the date picker.


Comms templates

Fixed an issue where decimal fields inserted into a Comms message could show only a single decimal place.



Fixed an issue where the Responsible team could be blanked when assigning a Person to a Case people action.



Fixed an issue where the same User couldn’t be assigned to an Action multiple times.


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