Release 7.9.1 18/07/2023

Release 7.9.1 18/07/2023

New & Improved

Back office


The Maximum age eligibility rule has been updated so that you can now allow applicants to bid on a property if they have a Medical eligibility.



A new Permitted use of ‘Private rented’ has been created. This option shows the same fields on the Void form as ‘Social Rent’, allowing them to be allocated to anyone with an Active Housing Register application.

The new option can be enabled by updating the Permitted use lookup.



New content options have been added to each Form that allow the wording to be changed that is used to describe each form on the Public portal.

Both the Application display name and Update application button text can be updated.



The following Housing Register fields have been added as shortlist snapshot fields and can now be added as additional columns when viewing a shortlist:

-       Adaptations

-      Family type

-       Ground floor/lift need


System settings

The Duplicate people checking settings found in the People settings can now be set per organisation in multi organisation systems.


Support Providers & Services

New functionality to allow the creation of Support providers and their associated Services.

This is the next stage of the development of our upcoming Support module.


Back office

Housing Register applications

Fixed an issue where the Closure reason was being flagged as a mandatory field when moving from the Pending state to Active.


Homeless applications

Fixed an issue where the H-CLIC force exclude reason was missing a maximum length.



Fixed an issue where an application could not be Closed from Pending Enquries if Is there a reason to believe the applicant is homeless = Not homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days and Homeless or threatened with homelessness decision = Withdrew application before assessment



Fixed an issue in multi organisation systems where the Shortlisting page did not respect organisation filtering on the Band values.


Account reminders

Fixed an issue where the the account summary sent to an applicant could be logged against the wrong organisation when sent via SMS.



Fixed an issue when using Google/Okta for user authentication that would not allow you to sign in correctly after being signed out.



Fixed an issue where lists built using the Is between or Is none of operators show as an error when added to a dashboard.

Note: Any lists built with these operators will need to be re-saved to take advantage of this update.



Fixed an issue where date queries could be affected by the change from GMT to BST and display different results in a list compared to a tile.

Public portal

Public portal accounts

Fixed an issue where the incorrect email address was displayed if an applicant requested a password reset but they had not yet created a public portal account.



Fixed an issue where an error could be created if an applicant looked at a property they had previously bid on multiple times; i.e. bid and then withdrawn and then bid again.



Fixed an issue that had caused the History page to not display



Fixed an issue with the Sheltered only filter that was not correctly showing properties when selected.

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