New & improved
Back office | Comms templates | The Comms template list has been updated to display the Message sub type as a default column. |
| New Message sub types have added to allow Comms templates to be created for Contacts. These templates allow messages to be sent to Contacts that are linked to People. The new Linked contact letter types are: Case (linked contact) letter English homeless application (linked contact) letter Financial assistance (linked contact) letter Health assessment (linked contact) letter Housing register (linked contact) letter Person (linked contact) letter These templates can include all the same fields as the equivalent non-contact templates as well Contact related fields. |
| The following Message sub types have been disabled; Contact quick message and Contact letter. These sub types have been replaced by the new linked contact types. |
| Two new Person related fields have been added that can now be included in Comms templates; Current address (multi-line) and Current address (single-line). |
| A new option has been created when adding content regions to templates that allows you to choose between a standard Rich textarea, or a Plain text area. The Plain text area allows a simplified single line of text to be entered into a template. |
| A new Reorder regions button has been added that is displayed after any content regions. This allows a specific entry/display order to be assigned to the regions. |
| Comms | When viewing a Person record, comms message can now be sent to Contacts related to that person. When viewing a Case or application, comms messages can be sent to any Contact related to any person on the case. When creating a Comms message, the Who should it to be sent to dropdown is populated with possible recipients. If a Contact is selected as the recipient, then the Message template dropdown is populated with Linked contact templates. If the Contact has ‘Email’ set as their Communications preference then the message will be emailed to them. If it is set as ‘Post’ then a PDF will be created that can be downloaded and printed. |
| Contacts | The Contacts list has been updated so that the following fields can be added as columns through the column chooser: Email address No email address Communication preference Home telephone Work telephone Mobile telephone Linked property count Linked people count |
| Person | A new field, Contacts count, can be added to the Person list. This field displays the number of contacts that have been associated with the Person. |
| Housing Register | New fields have been added to all lists that display information from the Housing Register: Has bid? Last bid date Months since last bid These fields have been populated automatically based on the existing data in the system. Details on how they are populated can be found in Appendix I - Special/calculated fields in the documentation. |
| Infrastructure | Update to the Vuetify UI library used by the system, as well as minor patch release updates to other system libraries. |
| Shortlists | An updated has been added to snapshot shortlist data when advertising is completed to pick up any changes in applicants bands between the time a bid was last placed on the shortlists and when the property was stopped from being advertised. |
Back office | Person | Fixed an issue where adding and removing the same contact more than once would generate an error. |
| Notes | Fixed an issue when viewing large notes that resulted in the last line of text not being displayed. |