How to enable housing register renewals

How to enable housing register renewals

Housing register renewals can be enabled to enforce applicants to review their application on a specified anniversary. If they do not complete their renewal within a specified timeframe then the application can be automatically closed.

1. Turn it on

Within the System settings you need to edit the Housing register option and check the Enable Housing register renewals field.

Once turned on the Renewals section on the Housing Register application form in the back office is displayed automatically.

2. How often do you want applicants to renew

Select what application states you want to be reviewed, and how often they need to complete a renewal.

You also need to set the number of weeks an applicant has to complete the renewal.

3. Do you want to send a letter at the start

If you want applicants to receive a comms message when their renewal starts then you need to specify a template and standard message subject.

Only templates using the Housing register renewal letter sub type are displayed in the drop down so you will need to create a new one as none exist as standard.

4. Decide which forms need to be renewed

Select all the forms that you wish an applicant to re-submit as part of the renewal.

If the Page confirmation required tickbox is not set for a form then an applicant is not forced to review the entire form to complete their renewal. If this tickbox is set then they need to confirm each page of the form before it can be submitted.

5. Do you want to auto close uncompleted renewals

If you want to close any renewals that are not completed by their target date then tick Automatically close applications.

You can add a grace period to their target date if you want to give applicants an extra number of weeks before their application is closed.
Decide which applications you want to automatically close. If an application has an outstanding offer then you may not want to close it as the offer will not be able to progressed if the application is closed.
If an application cannot be closed but is past its target date then the Active renewal needs review field is set to True.

6. Do you want to send a letter when closed

If you want applicants to receive a comms message when their application is closed then you need to specify a template and standard message subject.

Only templates using the Housing register renewal letter sub type are displayed in the drop down so you will need to create a new one as none exist as standard.

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