Browsers must support the below functionality, which are enabled by default in the most popular web browsers (such as the ones we officially support below):
• Accept first-party cookies
• JavaScript enabled
• Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 or above
• Server Name Indication (SNI) support
Each release of the Huume solution is tested in the current stable version of each of these browsers:
Microsoft Edge *
We support these browsers as they are the most popular browsers based on visits to our websites, but also they contain the latest security fixes as they are normally updated automatically.
We also support the previously released version of each of these browsers as we recognise that not all organisations or users may have updated yet. This means that we will investigate issues raised and provide a fix or workaround where possible.
Other browsers and older versions should still work as our site is designed to be widely compatible, but we do not test these browsers and we may be unable to provide solutions if issues are found.