6. Portal

6. Portal

The Portal tab is used to display changes that have been made by an applicant through the public portal. These changes may be driven by a change in their circumstance or as a result of a request from the back office asking for further information.

Special fields exist on the Case, Person and Housing Register to identify when a record has outstanding pending changes. These fields are called Has pending changes and can be added to lists to identify those records that have changes that need to be processed.

Special fields also exist on the Case and the Person records to identify when review requests are outstanding. These fields are called Review requested and can be added to lists to identify those records that have outstanding reviews.

A banner is displayed when viewing a record that has pending changes that need to be reviewed.

If the banner is dismissed it is only temporarily removed while the user is in the record. If the record is opened again or by another user then the banner is displayed again. 

Icons are displayed on the Portal tab if pending changes or review requests are outstanding.


Displayed when pending changes exist

Displayed when requested reviews are outstanding

Displayed when an annual renewal is progress (only relevant to Housing Register applications)

Online changes

Any changes an applicant has made are displayed in the Online changes group. If the applicant has made changes but not submitted them, they are shown as 'Ready to submit', instead of 'Submitted'.

Changes that are in the 'Ready to submit' state cannot be processed and are displayed for information purposes




Display the changes that have been made

Abandon the changes. Displayed if the changes have not been submitted yet

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

By default all Active changes are displayed in the list. All previous sets of changes can be viewed by clicking the All filter.

If the changes relate to a different form to one currently being viewed then you will not be able to review the changes directly
For example if you are viewing a Person record and they have outstanding changes on their Housing Register application, you will need to load the Housing Register form to be able to review and process them.
Any changes submitted as a result of an annual renewal can be identified by a tick in the Renewals column.

Review changes

Clicking  displays details on all the fields that have been changed.




Returns to the portal tab to display a list of all changes being reviewed

Displays the previous change in the list for review

Displays the next change in the list for review

Dismiss the review banner

Approve all the changes that have been submitted

Reject all the changes that have been submitted

Reset all data back to the original saved values and all changes as pending

Reset, approve or reject an individual change

Go to a change to see the information submitted

When viewing a specific change the field displays the currently saved value and the pending value is displayed underneath.


Buttons below the field allow you to reset, approve or reject the change.

If the change is accepted then the field is updated with the new value.

If the banner is being displayed this turns green once all changes have been processed, and the save button is enabled to signify there is nothing else outstanding.


Changes can only be approved or rejected when viewing the record that they are related to. However, changes are identified as outstanding when viewing other parts of the system. For example, when viewing a case if changes are outstanding against the primary applicant they are shown as existing but they cannot be processed unless the person record is accessed.

Hidden fields

If a pending change is related to a field that is not visible on the form then the field is still displayed, with an information message.

When a field is hidden any data held in it previously is removed to ensure only valid information is held on a record. This means that any changes to hidden fields should normally be approved, as this remove the historic information.

Requests and reviews

As well as applicant's submitting their own changes, they can also be asked to complete additional information or review existing information. This is achieved by creating requests.




Edit the request

Abandon the request

View details of the request

Create a new request

Refreshes the list to include any updates that have occurred

Requests are displayed for all forms, but can only be edited if they relate to the record currently being viewed. For example if you are in a Housing Register application then any requests related to the Person record can be viewed but you need to load the Person record in order to make changes to the request.

Adding a request

Requests can be created against a whole form, or individual pages or groups on the from.




Select a form

All requests are associated with a specific form. If changes are outstanding for a particular form then a request cannot be created for that form until they are either accepted or abandoned

Message to the applicant

This message is displayed on the applicant's My Account page when they login

Make the request about specific pages or groups on the form instead of the whole form

Save the request and close the window

Discard the changes and close the window

Adding a special request

If you want the applicant to review a specific set of fields then these can be added as a special request.




Select a page/sections

Select the pages/sections you wish them to review

Message to the applicant

This message is displayed at the start of the page/section to provide additional guidance

Require confirmation

Adds a confirmation checkbox at the end of each section that the applicant must complete before saving & submitting

Confirmation label

The text assigned to the confirmation checkbox

Save the request and close the window

Discard the changes and close the window 

When a request has been made and an applicant hasn’t submitted all their changes the information is displayed in both the Online changes section and Request updates/review section.


A Renewals group is displayed on the Portal page of the Housing Register application if the functionality has been enabled. More details on the information displayed can be found here - 8. Housing Register applications
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