9.1. Okta integration setup

9.1. Okta integration setup


The Okta integration allows single sign on (SSO) to your Huume admin portal using your Okta directory 

Step 1 - Setup Okta application

  1. Log in to your Okta portal and click Admin to switch to the administration portal

  2. From the left-hand menu expand Applications and click Applications

  3. Click Create App Integration

  4. Select OIDC - OpenID Connect, and then select Web Application, and then click Next

  5. Enter an App Integration Name such as Huume Admin Portal
  6. You can download a logo from https://public-media.azureedge.net/common/huume-shape-okta.png if you wish
  7. Grant type should only have Client acting on behalf of a user set to Authorization Code checked

  8. Replace the default Sign-in redirect URI with https://huumeappauth.b2clogin.com/huumeappauth.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/authresp

  9. Replace the default Sign-out redirect Uris with https://<your subdomain>.huume.app (replace <your subdomain> with the domain provided to you in the email that accompanies these instructions)

  10. Set the Controlled access to Skip group assignment for now

  11. Click Save
  12. Once the application has been saved, you should see an Okta API Scopes tab, click on this and then Grant the following scopes
    1. okta.myAccount.email.read
    2. okta.myAccount.phone.read
    3. okta.myAccount.profile.read
    4. It should look like this afterwards
  13. Click on the Assignments tab, where you can assign which users can use this integration

Step 2 - Provide Huume with details

  1. Once the Okta application has been created you should see a Client ID and lower down the page a Client Secret. You will need to pass this to your Huume account manager so we can setup the integration from our side. If you would prefer not to email this information then we can provide an alternative way to send this securely
  2. Click the Copy to clipboard next to Client ID and save this somewhere
  3. Click Copy to clipboard next to the Client Secret and save this somewhere

  4. You need to find your Okta directory domain name - this can be found by clicking the profile dropdown in the top-right. In the example below the directory domain name is trial-8271699.okta.com but yours will be different. It could be a "something.okta.com" domain, or your custom domain if you have that setup

  5. You need to then send the following to your Huume account manager:
    1. Client ID
    2. Client Secret
    3. Okta directory domain name 
  6. We will then get back in touch once this has been setup and your users will then be able to log in
  7. Once a user has logged in to the Huume admin portal for the first time they won't have any access rights. A user administrator in the Huume admin portal will then need to assign them the relevant roles and teams

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