15. System settings

15. System settings

This allows certain system wide configuration to be set. Settings are broken down into different areas of the system that they relate to.


Property alert emails

Customers can be allowed to opt in to receive weekly emails of available properties, based on specified criteria.

Once the property alert emails have been enabled a new section is displayed on the View your alerts page of the Public portal.

Customers will be sent an email each week if there are any properties that match their criteria. The email will contain key information about the property and a link that will take them to the advert on the public portal.

The content of the email can be updated by amending the Comms Template 'Property alerts email (Your properties)'. The content of each advert can be configured through the Advert types.


Comms centre SMS

Once enabled applicants will be able to receive their reminder messages via SMS as well as email.
In order to use this functionality you will need an account with GOV.UK Notify.

SMS Provider
The provider that will be used to deliver the SMS messages
API key
The API key for the GOV.UK Notify service to be used
Template ID
The Template ID to be used for sending messages
The Placeholder that the message text will be added into
Sender ID
The Sender ID that will be used to send the message

Automated case archiving

When enabled this allows cases with no active case strands to be automatically Archived.

Number of days after all case strands closed before case automatically archivedThe number of days after the last case strand is moved to an 'end' state before the Case is automatically archived

If a Case only contains a Bedroom assessment then this will be not be classed as an active case strand. The Bedroom assessment will be Archived along with the Case.

Housing register

Housing register renewals

Once enabled applicants will be sent a message to renew their application after the required timeframe.

Housing register states
What application states should be included in the renewals process
Exclude those who have bid within the last x days
Excludes any applicants that have placed a bid, or been included in a generated shortlist within the specified number of days
How often (months)
How many months before an applicant needs to renew their application
Completion target (weeks)
How many weeks does an applicant have to complete their renewal
Comms message to send when renewal starts
What template should be used to create a message when a renewal is started
Comms message subject line
What subject should be added to the comms message sent when a renewal is started
Include 'My xxxx'
Determines which forms an applicant needs to review as part of the renewal
'My xxxx' page confirmation required
Determines if the applicant needs to confirm every page of the form as part of the renewal
Display message
The message displayed when the applicant is prompted to review the form
Confirmation message
The message displayed in the confirmation message at the top of the page
Confirmation checkbox label
The message displayed next to the confirmation checkbox at the bottom of the page
Automatically close applications
If checked any applications not renewed by their target date will be set to a Closed state automatically
Grace period (weeks)
The number of additional weeks to add to the target date before automatically closing applications 
Exclude applications that have active offers
Exclude applications that have active offers from being automatically closed
Exclude applications that have active bids
Exclude applications that have active bids from being automatically closed
Exclude applications with an active homeless application
Exclude applications that have an active homeless application on the same case from being automatically closed
Comms message to send if closed automatically
What template should be used to create a message when an application is closed
Comms message subject line
What subject should be added to the comms message sent when an application is closed

Automated closure of incomplete housing register applications

When enabled this allows applications where the applicant has not completed their outstanding actions after a period to time to be automatically closed.

Housing register statesWhat application states should be included in this closure process. Normally this would be set to Submitted online.
Exclude applications with at least 1 completed actionExcludes any applicants that have completed at least 1 of the actions assigned to them
Number of days after action was created before reminder sentHow many days after the last action assigned to them was created should a reminder be sent
Number of days after reminder before application automatically closedHow many weeks does an applicant have to complete their renewal
Comms message to send for reminderWhat template should be used to create the reminder message
Comms message subject lineWhat subject should be added to the comms message sent when a reminder is created
Automatically close applications If checked applications will be closed after the number of specified days following the reminder being sent
Comms message to send if automatically closedWhat template should be used to create a message when an application is closed
Comms message subject lineWhat subject should be added to the comms message sent when an application is closed

Automated closure of submitted pre assessment applications

When enabled this allows pre-assessments in the Submitted pre assessment state to be closed automatically after a period of time if the applicant does not continue to submit a full Housing Register application.

Number of days after the pre assessment submitted before application automatically closedThe number of days after a pre assessment is submitted before it is closed automatically if the applicant has not submitted a Housing Register application

Automated closure of ineligible pre assessment applications

When enabled this allows pre-assessments in the Ineligible state to be closed automatically after a period of time.

Number of days after pre assessment ineligible before application automatically closedThe number of days after an ineligible pre assessment is submitted before it is closed automatically

Enable local connection band override

When enabled this allows a band override to be assigned for a particular local authority parish for an applicant. 
As well as enabling this option the Band lookup needs to be configured to determine which bands can be assigned as an override. This is achieved by assigning a Tag to the relevant Bands.


My addresses

Allows the amount of address history that is needed to be provided on the public portal to be configured.

Duplicate people checking

The level of match required to identify a duplicate record can be set in the system.

The Confidence value determines what fields need to match and at what strength before 2 records are flagged as potential duplicates in the back office.
The Public portal blocking threshold allows a different value to be used on the public website as you may wish to enforce stricter rules there to reduce the chance of customers creating duplicate records.
The text displayed when a customer enters a record that is flagged as a duplicate can be configured through the Public portal blocked message field.

Automated people archiving

Controls people being set to Archived automatically if their case has been Archived.

Days until auto archive since unlinked from an Active case
The number of days after a Persons case has been Archived that a Person will be Archived
Days until auto archive when never linked to an Active case
The number of days after a Person has been created that they will be Archived if they are never linked to a Case



Settings that determine how data will be shared across the subregional scheme.

Public portal accounts can be registered per organisationWhen ticked a customer can use their email account to register a public portal account for each organisation in the subregion.

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