14. Data retention

14. Data retention

Data retention policies are used to determine when records are anonymised and when attachments are deleted. Each workflow process has its own data retention policy.

A scheduled data retention job runs each night and sets the anonymisation dates for any records that have been placed in end states and any attachments that have been added since it last ran.

Data retention list

The Data retention option in the explorer displays a list of all the data retention policies in the system.


Editing a policy






Determines if the data retention rules are enabled for the workflow 

Default retention period

The number of months after a record enters an end state that they will be anonymised

Default file retention period

The number of months a file will be retained in the system before it is deleted

Set retention periods per state

Allows different retention periods to be set for each end state independently if required

Set retention periods per file type

Allows different retention periods to be set for each file type independently if required


Once a retention policy has been updated the system displays the Publish changes banner.

To publish the changes, click the Publish button and then save the policy. This version will be marked as Published and a new draft version will be created automatically.

If records have anonymisation dates set and the policy is then updated then all records will have their dates re-calculated based on the new updated policy. 

Data retention fields

Each record type that is associated with a data retention policy has a number of standard fields that are used to manage the anonymisation process.



DP anonymised

True if the record has been anonymised. Set automatically by the overnight scheduled job

DP anonymised date

Date the record was anonymised. Set automatically by the overnight scheduled job

DP will be anonymised

True if the record is due to be anonymised in the future. Set automatically by the overnight scheduled job

DP anonymisation date

Date the record will be anonymised in the future. Set automatically by the overnight scheduled job

DP days until anonymisation

Number of days before the record will be anonymised. Set automatically by the overnight scheduled job

DP anonymisation requested

True if the record has been set to be anonymised by a user

DP anonymisation request reason

The reason entered for why the record is being anonymised

DP anonymisation request date

The date the record was marked to be anonymised

DP anonymisation request due date

The date the record has been set to be anonymised on

Person and Case records have a number of additional standard data protection fields that are used to stop a record being anonymised automatically.



DP legal hold

Set if the case needs to put on hold due to an ongoing legal process

DP legal hold reason

Reason the case has been put on legal hold

DP legal hold date

Date the case was put on legal hold. Set automatically by the system

DP legal hold review date

Date the legal hold should be reviewed

DP restrict processing

Set if the applicant requests this under their ‘right to restrict processing’

DP restrict processing reason

Reason the case is marked for restricting processing

DP restrict processing date

Date the case was set to restrict processing. Set automatically by the system

DP restrict processing review date

Date the restriction should be reviewed

Data retention logic

The data retention functionality includes a number of rules to ensure data integrity and that records are updated appropriately if they have been marked to be anonymised:

-       Records cannot be set to anonymised if they are not in an end state

-       Records cannot be changed from an end state to a non-end state if Request anonymisation has been set.

-       A Public portal account record cannot be anonymised if it is linked to a Person record

-       An applicant cannot log in using their Public portal account if it has been manually set to be anonymised by a user in the back office

-       If a Public portal account has been marked to be anonymised by the data retention policy and the applicant logs in then the anonymisation date will be removed 


The Jobs list contains details of when the data retention policies are run. The process is separated into 2 different types of jobs:
Data retention policies - sets the DP anonymisation date for any records that have reached an end state
Data retention anonymisation - performs the anonymisation of any records whose DP anonymisation date has been reached
If a Data retention anonymisation job cannot complete the anonymisation of all records then it is given a status of Success with warnings. Details of which records have not been successfully anonymised can be viewed by editing the Job and viewing the History page. The Filter button can be used to help identify just those entries that relate to errors/warnings.

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